🌟🚀 Let's start the week with a summary of interesting stuff posted last week on our #technoshare Slack channel.

💻 Tech Updates

📰 News

  • 🏁 Williams Racing used Microsoft Excel to track every car component.
  • 🔊 M. Suleyman becomes CEO of AI at Microsoft, highlighting a significant shift towards AI leadership.

🛠 Tool Updates

  • 🌐 Project GR00T enables humanoid robots to learn from human demonstrations with imitation learning.
  • 🌐 Stable Video 3D by Stability AI introduces quality novel view synthesis and 3D generation from single images.
  • 🌐 Grok-1's open release by Elon fulfills his promise with the release of this 314 billion parameter model.

👥 Community Contributions

  • ❤️ Sharing is caring - a heartwarming post about the #RingAttention mechanism and its AI applications.

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